My 68-year-old mom crossed the finish line shortly after me. She loves Alexander the Great so much that she would travel all the way to Greece from Oregon just to win a medal with his face on it. Growing up, I remember she papered her walls with running bibs. Running is second nature to her, and a very tiny bit of running DNA seems to have been passed down to me.

He’s a relatable character for me, even though he outnerds me by a mile. I had just bought myself an olive green dress, which I noticed was the same color as his jumpsuit in the beginning of the film, when he is trying to teach himself to ski jump and barreling down steep slopes like a loose cannonball. Hugh Jackman, as the rugged American hotheaded coach, is reason enough to see this film, but the beautiful message that hope conquers all is the biggest takeaway. I loved this film.
The wonderful surge of victory I expected to feel after the race didn't kick in right away. I needed to go back to the hotel and shower and rest before a feeling of pride could sink in.
Thessaloniki is a beautiful city and running along the Aegean sea will be a long-lasting memory for me. This experience is a good reminder that every goal that grows to fruition starts out as a tiny seed. My plan started in September last year when I googled flat marathons in Europe. I came, I saw, I didn't exactly conquer, but I did see my idea become reality.
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