Wednesday, November 2, 2011

NaNoWriMo. Day 3.

What is the point? Hopefully, you won’t ask this about your writing, but chances are, you will have an off day and ask yourself just that. From what I understand about NaNoWriMo, the point is just to write and not let doubt weigh you down. Save the editing and doubting for December.

Last night, Holly, my upstairs neighbor came over for a writing sprint. That’s when you write for a designated amount of time without pausing. At my suggestion, we listened to the “The Marriage of Figaro,” because Mozart is significant in my novel. After our 15 minute writing sprint, we chatted and wolfed down chocolate cake.

We were going to do another writing sprint, this time listening to Strauss, but our conversation got carried away. We discussed our associations with people, how we are repelled and attracted to certain people based on past experiences. I told her about men who remind me of boys from middle school, never a good sign, and how, based on that connection I made, I try to avoid their company.

Then I talked about one person in my life who I hope will be a surprising character. In fiction, characters who act in surprising ways are wonderful. But this is not fiction. This is my life. I can’t control this guy’s actions like I could a character. I guess when you have both negative and positive associations with somebody that just makes for more complicated characters and richer writing.

In the middle of one of my stories, Holly said, “I want to find a song that fits the mood of your story.” Of all songs, she had to pick “I’m on Fire,” by Bruce Springsteen. This song has powerful memories attached to it. 

SO weird. 

Earlier yesterday, I was walking and trying to figure out a stripping scene for my novel. Then I heard the song, “You Can Leave Your Hat On” playing as I passed by a restaurant. I thought that was a sign, even though I don’t really believe in signs.

But I have revealed too much. Now you know my novel involves Mozart and a stripping scene. This exhibition is over.

Happy writing.

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